Monday, February 27, 2012

sharing is bliss

I want to remember that I have friends with kind souls.

seriously! I find myself depending a lot on my surrounding environment.

surprisingly! I hope to be stronger and more flexible at the same time.

I'm really thankful to everyone I met all my life ... from real deep inside of my heart.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

compare n contrast

Original Jai Ho :

PCD Jai Ho:

So, if you have never known about "the slum-dog millionaire", please excuse me.

from the movie, I liked all the theme songs.. especially the Paper Planes.

So, these are songs of the day.

You are my Destiny !!! Jai Ho !! bang, bang, bang, bang !!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Never Say Goodbye

I usually do not watch K-drama, but, one of my friend shared me this song. I love the composed melody, although it is not pure original. This song has certain cheerful tunes. enjoy!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Clear Butterfly

I always like to keep little notes of my friends. 

I treasure them because they're included in my life.